The Fourth Level of education can be extended in more than one year. As always, we emphasize on the process of self-transformation. That includes the actualization of who we truly are in our daily life, in the professional field, in our relationships, etc. In general, we master living our life according to our true inner values.
In the Fourth Level, we can choose to learn how to lead the Power of Light Basic Training and/or receive supervision. It also includes receiving and completing the Essence packages of the Diamond Logos Teachings.
Part II: Integrating Essence/Integration and Practice
Course Goal: The aim of the course is to help the students gain a greater overview on therapeutic processes and further opening to essence.
Learning Objectives:
After completing this course the students will be able to:
1. List the defensive strategies of the personality
2. Recognize shock and what is needed to heal it
3. Present the overview in the assessment of the client
4. Discuss the role of spirituality in psychotherapy
5. Integrate the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the training
6. Recognize the essential movement within the psychological issue the client brings to the session and choose appropriate intervention
7. Understand how work with the primitive selves (voice dialogue) in a therapy session