Perhaps one of the most important tasks we have as therapists, is to educate parents, teachers and caretakers of children. It is for the future of humanity. If we have a hope to survive on this planet, it is only by allowing ourselves to be re-educated, so we can regain our humanness again, that was taken away involuntarily from us when we were still small children, when our parents acted out of unconsciousness. The same has happened to them as well from their own parents.

The schools for parents are educational groups that aim to support parents in the challenging task of raising their children in a way that is in tune with the child’s subtle reality, the reality of the world of feeling and vulnerability. 

In the Essential Psychotherapy Institute, we offer an attachment-based, child-centered model that incorporates a wide field of theory as well as empirical findings, such as:  

-Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

-Theory and science of attachment (John Bowlby)

-Fairbairn’s structural model

-Margaret Mahler’s developmental stages. 

-Body psychotherapy (Alexander Lowen’s bodytypes, Bodynamic character structures).

-Essence work, and more.

Our wish is that the spreading of the deep knowledge and experiential understanding we offer in the EPI around child development and the importance of the bonding of love, will kindle the flame of truth and vulnerability in parents (and educators), to look deeper in themselves and in their child rearing methods. The ultimate goal is the cherishing and the protection of the utmost vulnerable part of our society and the future of humanity: our children.