Essential Psychotherapy Institute Annual Conference: The EPI Methodology
to Jan 31

Essential Psychotherapy Institute Annual Conference: The EPI Methodology

  • Osho Wajid Meditatie Centrum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In this weekend we will present the methodology of our Institute, from both a theoretical and an experiential perspective.
If you are a newcomer, you will come in touch, experience and understand the way in which we work. You will be able to open up to your own inner process, with a sense of direction and clear intent. You will be able to tap into your own inner guidance.
If you are already a trainee or a therapist studying with us, you will be able to see the bigger picture of what our method is about. This will give you more trust in your own process and in working with people. If you are a therapist, you will get the greater view and structure of the methodology that you are already applying with the people that you work with.

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The EPI Festival: The Essence of Being Alive!
to Feb 2

The EPI Festival: The Essence of Being Alive!

  • Osho Wajid Meditatie Centrum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are very excited to announce our first EPI Festival that will take place in the 3 floors of Wajid Osho Meditation Center, 1-2 February 2025! 

In this weekend of celebration, aliveness and connection, you can meet our facilitators, take part in a plethora of workshops, meditations, dancing, all in an atmosphere of expansion, vibrancy, and connection to Being.

Healing is never individual; it is collective. Together we live, we love, we cry and laugh, we heal, we unite and support each other in the most honest way.

What the festival will include:

  • Osho’s Active Meditations

  • Mini sessions from our trained facilitators and session givers (inner child, bodywork, Artificial Intelligence card and I-ching readings)

  • Workshops (such as live drumming workshops, inner child, couple work, breath and bodywork, grounding, building structure and more)

  • Creativity corner

  • Catering for lunch and dinner and more!

If you are a newcomer, you will come in touch, experience and understand the way in which we work in the EPI. You will be able to open up to your own inner process, with a sense of direction and intent. You will be able to tap into your own inner guidance.

If you are a veteran student, or you are already participating in the EPI groups, you will be able to meet again with some of your fellow students, reconnect and re-unite with the field. 

This time the festival will be oriented around the exploration of the Orishas archetypes. 

We will use the exploration of the archetypes of the Orishas as resources in order to reconnect with the wisdom of the body.

For more info and registration click here

We are looking forward to seeing you there!

Vedanta Aspioti and the EPI team.

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Essential Psychotherapy 2nd Year Training Part II
to Feb 7

Essential Psychotherapy 2nd Year Training Part II

  • Amsterdam Netherlands (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

 In module 2 of the 2nd year we continue practicing individual sessions and all the elements involved in it. We focus on working with abuse, what abuse does to a person’s psyche and body and the healing interventions that can help the person on the road to recovery and healing. We deepen into working with freezing, flooding, nervous system responses to trauma that are affecting the person’s life energy and quality and how to free the trapped life energy in the body. We also work on some of the basic elements of assisting in the foundation training. 

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Power of Light Basic Training Part I: Coming back to the Body in Den Haag
to Feb 23

Power of Light Basic Training Part I: Coming back to the Body in Den Haag

  • Wajid Osho Meditatie Centrum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This five-day group is the first part of the Power of Light Basic training. It provides a dynamic experience that can transform your life and support you in finding your Inner Strength. The work helps you to access the resources that lie within yourself, inspiring you to take the reins of your life in your own hands and align with your true potential and uniqueness.

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Diamond Logos Academy Greece Advanced Teacher Training
to Mar 10

Diamond Logos Academy Greece Advanced Teacher Training

This is an advanced training for therapists and Essence Teachers. Vedanta, who is a senior Teacher in the Diamond Logos Work, has been offering this training for the last 17 years. A variety of skills are taught in this education, starting from the basic training and progressing to more specialized material for training as an Essential therapist and being able to work with Essence.

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The Schizoid Wound: An in-depth look at the disconnection from the body and our Essence
to Mar 16

The Schizoid Wound: An in-depth look at the disconnection from the body and our Essence

  • Bhavana Center for Psychotherapy and Meditation (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The disconnection from our body and reality is at the core of the human condition. It is a wound so deeply ingrained in the human psyche and body, that its nature is existential. It is existential because it occurs so early, at birth, in the womb and even at conception. It occurs during our entrance into the world and shapes our sense of belonging, our connection to the ground and our connection to our self and others. Alexander Lowen called it the schizoid phenomenon, indicating the split from reality that is inherent in this condition.

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The Green Latifa in Den Haag and on Zoom
to Mar 23

The Green Latifa in Den Haag and on Zoom

  • Wajid Osho Meditatie Centrum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In this retreat, we will reconnect with the heart of presence, healing and compassion. We will inquire into the psychological issues which block the connection to the Green Essence and how these issues manifest in our body and our life. When not addressed, these issues can even impair our physical health. With our humanness as our guide, we can set out on the path of healing our trauma and embodying our Essence. We turn towards our true sensitivity and heart’s desire.

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Essential Psychotherapy 4th Year Training, Module 2
to Apr 6

Essential Psychotherapy 4th Year Training, Module 2

The Fourth Level of education can be extended in more than one year. As always, we emphasize on the process of self-transformation. That includes the actualization of who we truly are in our daily life, in the professional field, in our relationships, etc. In general, we master living our life according to our true inner values.

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Power of Light Basic Training Part II: Empowerment to be our True Self in Den Haag
to Apr 13

Power of Light Basic Training Part II: Empowerment to be our True Self in Den Haag

  • Wajid Osho Meditatie Centrum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This second part of the training is purely an empowerment in discovering and reconnecting with our True Self and potential. We will explore the issues around our power and everything that holds us back from living life totally, as we deserve and according to our Soul mission. We will be able to see how we control and limit our life energy.

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Diamond Logos Academy Beginners Teacher Training
to Apr 27

Diamond Logos Academy Beginners Teacher Training

This is a specific training for beginning therapists and Essence Teachers. Vedanta, who is a senior Teacher in the Diamond Logos Work, has been offering this training for the last 17 years. A variety of skills are taught in this education, starting from the basic training and progressing to more specialized material for training as an Essential therapist and being able to work with Essence.

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Essential Psychotherapy 3rd Year Training, Module 2: Personality Types and Leading Groups
to May 11

Essential Psychotherapy 3rd Year Training, Module 2: Personality Types and Leading Groups

In this course, the student learns the elements of facilitating a group, from the practical details and structure all the way to how to mirror and give feedback. We also learn in-depth about personality types, according to the Enneagram, and the essential resource each type is attempting to embody.

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The Yellow Latifa in Den Haag and on Zoom
to May 25

The Yellow Latifa in Den Haag and on Zoom

  • Wajid Osho Meditatie Centrum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The nature of the Yellow Essence is joyfulness. It brings us a sense of celebration and happiness. We feel lighthearted and carefree. It brings laughter to our lives. Our heart becomes childlike once again, full of innocence, simplicity and joy. We feel spontaneous and playful. The Yellow Essence also brings us a feeling of devotion to Being. It removes the seriousness that was once imposed upon us as children and the restrictions on our joy and naturalness. Our entire system feels sweet.

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Channeling the Inner Child Part 1: Training for Giving Sessions
to Jun 1

Channeling the Inner Child Part 1: Training for Giving Sessions

  • Amsterdam Netherlands (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This is part 1 of a training conducted by Vedanta on healing the inner child. It is offered for therapists, educators, people in healing professions and others who may be interested. Vedanta offers her unique perspective and rich experience on accessing and integrating developmental issues from childhood so that we may touch upon our Essential Being.

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Self-Portrait and Nature-painting in Thymaina, Greece
to Jul 4

Self-Portrait and Nature-painting in Thymaina, Greece

We are excited to host Abilasha and Pathika , trained artists and experienced art teachers, that will open and hold the space for experimenting with our creativity. Thymena offers the perfect silent space of meditation , where we can expand and deepen in our inner process, dive in, and connect with our inspiration . The sea and the sky , the beautiful Greek light , the silent, sacred, intimate nights under the stars, offer the ideal ambiance for us to unfold.

In this group , we will explore our original face , coming from our depth. Through painting and meditation, we will reveal from our unconscious the imprint from our mother and father, to recognise and come to terms with it. This process will support us to differentiate in order to allow our true face to emerge.

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Power of Light Basic Training Part III in Thymaina
to Jul 13

Power of Light Basic Training Part III in Thymaina

Exploring the Bodytypes of Alexander Lowen

During this training, we experience the five bodytypes of defense of Alexander Lowen and their psychic and psychological dimensions. We will acquire contemporary and applicable knowledge about the different types, for ourselves and for working with people therapeutically. In becoming conscious of, experiencing and gaining distance from our defensive patterns, we learn to let go of what does not truly belong to us. In this way we come closer to our natural self.

This training takes place in Thymaina, a small Greek island in the Aegean sea which does not have more than 50-80 inhabitants.

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Power of Light Basic Training Part IV in Den Haag
to Sep 25

Power of Light Basic Training Part IV in Den Haag

  • Wajid Osho Meditatie Centrum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This part of the training is also open for people that have not participated in the previous trainings. In our lives today, most of us have lost touch with our intuition, that inner voice of our conscience which functions as a guiding light in our lives and can lead us to our true purpose. Instead, we often listen to and identify with limiting, critical and punishing voices within us that keep us confined within a prison of false beliefs about ourselves and life.

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to Sep 28

Essence Weekend in Den Haag and on Zoom (Theme to be announced)

  • wajid Osho meditatie centrum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Essence is the very fabric of our Soul. When we experience our Essence we have the sense of wholeness. In contrast, the lack of contact with our Essence gives us a sense that we have lost our way home, that we have lost our paradise. When we are born, we are full of Essence and free of any conditioning. As time passes and childhood programming settles into our system, we lose the connection to our Essence. We then live in a paradoxical state of existence: we are Essence and yet we do not know it. 

Times:  Starting Friday, Sep 26 at 19:00 ending Sunday, Sep 28 at 18:00

Place: Osho Wajid Meditatie Centrum, Prins Hendrikplein 1, Den Haag

Cost: 375 euro. There is a 10% discount when booked and paid for by Aug 26

For further information and bookings, please contact Devi at or Tarangita at +31 (0) 6 47 609 150. 

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The Black Latifa in Den Haag and on Zoom
to Dec 8

The Black Latifa in Den Haag and on Zoom

  • Wajid Osho Meditatie Centrum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

With Vedanta Aspioti

In this retreat we will access our inner wisdom and explore our relationship to our power. In the wisdom of the Black, we can truly discern who we are and what we need to do in life. We stop dwelling in doubt and uncertainty and can see all the possibilities before us. The Black Latifa also brings the resource and resolution for healing our alienation from ourselves and others. The sense of Intimacy that the Black brings envelops us like a warm summer night under a black starry sky. We can finally rest in ourselves in Natural Great Peace.

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Diamond Logos Academy Beginners Teacher Training: Pearl and the Essential Quality of Space
to Nov 24

Diamond Logos Academy Beginners Teacher Training: Pearl and the Essential Quality of Space

This is a specific training for beginning therapists and Essence Teachers. Vedanta, who is a senior Teacher in the Diamond Logos Work, has been offering this training for the last 17 years. A variety of skills are taught in this education, starting from the basic training and progressing to more specialized material for training as an Essential therapist and being able to work with Essence.

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Essential Psychotherapy 4th Year Training: Part I
to Nov 15

Essential Psychotherapy 4th Year Training: Part I

In the Fourth year of our education, we emphasize on the process of self-transformation. That includes the actualization of who we truly are in our daily life, in the professional field, in our relationships, etc. In general, we master living our life according to our true inner values.

The aim of this first part of the fourth year is to give the students a working model of psychopathology, psychological structure and how to work with different structural tendencies in the process of therapy, as well as cultivating and restoring conscience as an integral part of healing.

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The Red Latifa in Den Haag and on Zoom
to Nov 10

The Red Latifa in Den Haag and on Zoom

  • wajid Osho meditatie centrum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In this retreat, we will experience the Red Latifa and allow it to flow back into our system once again. We will inquire into the psychological issues which block our connection to the Red Essence of our Soul and how these issues manifest in our body and in our lives. We will move from passivity, contraction and dependence into action, expansion and the strength to be autonomous. When we discover our aliveness, our Essential strength, life becomes effervescent, colorful and multidimensional. We can experience our true energetic potential, which is a state of being vibrantly alive, our senses open and in touch with all our innate capacities. We gain the courage to be who we truly are.

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Diamond Logos Academy Greece Advanced Teacher Training
to Nov 4

Diamond Logos Academy Greece Advanced Teacher Training

This is an advanced training for therapists and Essence Teachers. Vedanta, who is a senior Teacher in the Diamond Logos Work, has been offering this training for the last 17 years. A variety of skills are taught in this education, starting from the basic training and progressing to more specialized material for training as an Essential therapist and being able to work with Essence.

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POL Weekend: Igniting the Energy of Life, Love and Eros Part II with Vedanta in Warsaw
to Oct 27

POL Weekend: Igniting the Energy of Life, Love and Eros Part II with Vedanta in Warsaw

  • Google Calendar ICS

We will explore the energy of life, the lovability that starts from the instinct , and moves to the expression of the oedipal energy. On the one hand this instinctual power grounds us in the life and on the other hand it paves the way for the love , the contact , sensuality and sexuality. We will explore all the implications of the oedipal issues, because when this energy is blocked we cannot enjoy and feel satisfied. We will see how it got blocked (around 4 to 6.5 years old) and how we can resolve it, so we can feel the orgasmic reflex in our system.

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Essential Heart - Healing our Wounds of Love and Eros: Opening to Oneself and Community with Vedanta
to Oct 23

Essential Heart - Healing our Wounds of Love and Eros: Opening to Oneself and Community with Vedanta

It is very important to have a supportive field around us when we enter into the exploration of Essence; a community that preserves the Essential treasures and functions from this level. Essence remains a living field, a living presence, unfolding in every moment and bringing up the highest potential in every individual. This field is what we strive to create in Thymaina all together.

This retreat takes place in Thymaina and is also offered online via Zoom.

For further information and bookings, please contact Devi Legaki at

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Silent Retreat with Vedanta and Team in Thymaina and on Zoom
to Oct 18

Silent Retreat with Vedanta and Team in Thymaina and on Zoom

Jon us in Thymaina for a silent retreat with Vedanta and Team. Thymaina is a small Greek island in the Aegean sea which does not have more than 50-80 inhabitants. It is like the Greece of 50 years ago, very simple and pure with virtually no tourism. It is a jewel in the middle of the sea and this is why it is perfect for this inner work. No external distractions, no cars, no noise.

For further information and bookings, please contact Devi Legaki at

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Power of Light Advanced Training: The Higher Chakras in Thymaina
to Oct 13

Power of Light Advanced Training: The Higher Chakras in Thymaina

In this part of the training, we explore the higher chakras, the 6th chakra located in the center of our forehead and the 7th chakra located on the crown, the top of our head. This exploration can only be approached through the body. Ηaving worked through the issues of the lower chakras and becoming more and more grounded, we can move into opening up our consciousness and aiming to reach the state of the true mind, free of the limitations and blockages of our childhood conditioning.

This is an advanced group, an integration of the Power of Light work open to those that have followed all or several parts of the training. This training takes place in Thymaina, a small Greek island in the Aegean sea which does not have more than 50-80 inhabitants. Thymena is like the Greece of 50 years ago, very simple and pure with virtually no tourism. It is a jewel in the middle of the sea and this is why it is perfect for our work. No external distractions, no cars, no noise.

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The White Latifa in Den Haag and on Zoom
to Sep 29

The White Latifa in Den Haag and on Zoom

  • wajid Osho meditatie centrum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In this retreat, we will explore the White Latifa and experience the solidity, groundedness and inner support that this quality brings. The White is a resource for healing the splitting and fragmentation in our sense of self caused by trauma experienced in our childhood. When the White flows back into our system, we move towards becoming one unified Self once again and maintaining the unwavering presence that the reconnection to our Essence brings.

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Power of Light Basic Training Part IV in Den Haag
to Sep 26

Power of Light Basic Training Part IV in Den Haag

  • Wajid Osho Meditatie Centrum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This part of the training is also open for people that have not participated in the previous trainings. In our lives today, most of us have lost touch with our intuition, that inner voice of our conscience which functions as a guiding light in our lives and can lead us to our true purpose. Instead, we often listen to and identify with limiting, critical and punishing voices within us that keep us confined within a prison of false beliefs about ourselves and life.

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Channeling the Inner Child Part 2: Training for Giving Sessions
to Sep 19

Channeling the Inner Child Part 2: Training for Giving Sessions

  • Amsterdam Netherlands (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This is part 2 of a training conducted by Vedanta on healing the inner child. It is offered for therapists, educators, people in healing professions and others who may be interested. Vedanta offers her unique perspective and rich experience on accessing and integrating developmental issues from childhood so that we may touch upon our Essential Being.

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The Pearl III: Tapping into the Secrets of the Body and Restoring the Orgasmic Reflex.
to Aug 18

The Pearl III: Tapping into the Secrets of the Body and Restoring the Orgasmic Reflex.

The Pearl is the Essential Vehicle of embodiment, the carrier of our Personal Essence, and has many aspects and manifestations. It is this precious Essence that unites us with our body and the flesh, the medium between the relative and the Absolute.

When we are in touch with our Pearl, we feel grounded and present. We sense our Essence in our body, and the qualities of our Being acquire density, substance, texture. They can be felt as sensations arising in our system, such as: the surge of aliveness that fortifies us to face life’s challenges, the sense of solidity we feel when rooted in our guts, the melting sensation when we truly bond with another, the feeling of light-heartedness that joy brings and many others. We feel our preciousness, our senses are open and we appreciate the enjoyment of living this life, every moment. 

The body of tension, our ego shell, occupying the body, melts away and we can finally sense our body as it is destined to be: the Body of Bliss, within which our qualities of Essence can flow freely.


We work with various methodologies: bodywork and breath, meditation, inquiry, essential transmission.

Cost 500 EUR

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Empowerment: The Citadel of your Being
to Aug 12

Empowerment: The Citadel of your Being

The Citadel is one of the grand vehicles of Essence, the organ of our Soul that gives us the unwavering support to walk the walk of Being in our daily lives. It is the path of the samurai, the way of peaceful warrior, the personification of grit, courage and resolve. The vehicle of the Citadel enables us to connect with our inner resources such as support, stability, constancy, consistency and true responsibility in our life. It gives us a sense of groundedness, steadfastness and great solidity. We have clear and defined boundaries. As we embody the Citadel, we can find the right Intention, which is life-affirmative, in order to live a life of dignity, truth, nobility of the Soul and ethos, ruled by Essential human values. It is the Being, supporting itself in the marketplace.

Cost 700 EUR

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Standing in Truth and Love: the Diamond Body and the Self - The Apology of Socrates
to Aug 4

Standing in Truth and Love: the Diamond Body and the Self - The Apology of Socrates

Essence is the very fabric of our Soul. When we experience our Essence we have the sense of wholeness. In contrast, the lack of contact with our Essence gives us a sense that we have lost our way home, that we have lost our paradise. We are born full of Essence and free of any conditioning. As time passes and childhood programming settles into our system, we gradually lose the connection to our Essence. We then live in a paradoxical state of existence: we are Essence and yet we do not know it.

The Vehicles of Essence are carriers of different Essential qualities which constitute the building blocks of our Soul, as well as the Essential reality in general. We can see them as the organs of our Soul. In the Diamond Logos Teachings, we describe nine different vehicles or carriers of Essence. The vehicles are aspects of our Essential structure.

The Diamond Body is the vehicle of true objective understanding and direct knowing. It is the manifestation of Living Guidance within us – our Inner Guide. It enables us to see what is really there, beyond our projections. In our lives, we need to cultivate this Essential vehicle in order to receive the necessary understanding, clarity and guidance to pursue our inner journey and actualize ourselves in life according to our Soul's direction. It is our own truth and guidance that nobody else can reveal to us. It is this aspect of ourselves that shows us the way out of confusion, lostness and the maze of the egoic personality and guides us back home. It gives us the capacity to have compassion for ourselves and our mistakes, as well as for others. The Diamond Body brings us back to our humanity and helps us integrate our emotions and unconscious parts.

Cost: 400 eur

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Essential Heart: Opening to Oneself and Community with Vedanta
to Jun 26

Essential Heart: Opening to Oneself and Community with Vedanta

It is very important to have a supportive field around us when we enter into the exploration of Essence; a community that preserves the Essential treasures and functions from this level. Essence remains a living field, a living presence, unfolding in every moment and bringing up the highest potential in every individual. This field is what we strive to create in Thymaina all together.

This retreat takes place in Thymaina and is also offered online via Zoom.

For further information and bookings, please contact Devi Legaki at

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Silent Retreat with Vedanta and Team in Thymaina and on Zoom
to Jun 22

Silent Retreat with Vedanta and Team in Thymaina and on Zoom

Jon us in Thymaina for a silent retreat with Vedanta and Team. Thymaina is a small Greek island in the Aegean sea which does not have more than 50-80 inhabitants. It is like the Greece of 50 years ago, very simple and pure with virtually no tourism. It is a jewel in the middle of the sea and this is why it is perfect for this inner work. No external distractions, no cars, no noise.

For further information and bookings, please contact Devi Legaki at

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Unio Mystica: The Feminine and Masculine Gifting. A Journey into Blissfulness
to Jun 9

Unio Mystica: The Feminine and Masculine Gifting. A Journey into Blissfulness

  • Bhavana Center for Psychotherapy and Meditation (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Often in our relationships we have lost the healthy polarity between us. This creates frustration, as we do not meet in the flesh and in the spirit. We forget that we are together in pleasure, that we can give deep satisfaction to each other. Why is the polarity lost? How can we bring it back? We will look at emotional, psychological issues, or the lack of healthy communication that brings alienation, as well as the lack of charge in our bodies, that don't allow us to meet together in passion. Further than that, we need to see within us, each one of us carries the feminine and masculine principle inside. The Unio Mystica starts from the union of these two Essences within us. We will also explore how we were brought up to be a man or a woman, and how this influences us till today. Are we able to allow our passion and passionate expression in life? And can we enjoy this with our partners in a loving atmosphere of trust and truth? We will explore in body and spirit. A juicy adventure.

In this workshop, we will zoom in to the emotional anatomy of relationships and relating. We will see how our conditioning, our attachment history and childhood wounds are influencing our capacity to trust, to connect, to bond, to receive and give love, to be open, and risk to be vulnerable in front of another.

We will focus on the elements that cause our frustration, deprivation, and dissatisfaction in giving and receiving. We will experience how we have lost our connection to our vulnerability, leading us to the land of mistrust and isolation. 

We will start learning again how to create and build trust, how to create intimacy by showing our true face and sharing our authentic feelings and emotions.

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